Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Those Who are Disturbed

When I see this, I think, "I like my thumbs with a nice chianti-arghhh-ga-ga-ga!", or how about the bad seed, the rotten one, veggie tales friends gone wild, how do you like it *itch?, or night of the rotten seeds. You could really have fun with these!

This is one of the funniest things I have seen in some time. Eclisse from photobucket creates these works of disturbed art and they are making their way around via email.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Silly Boy

Having a sense of humor is extremely important, because it helps you to deal with life as a whole. I have imparted my love for humor to my sons, and I feel my youngest has grasped just how important humor is. When I started making tutus, I jokingly asked him if he wanted one too. He said, "Yeah, why not." I was shocked, and thought certainly he was not serious, so I asked, "You're joking, right?" His reply, "No. I am serious. I'll wear it to school on game days. Why do the cheerleaders get to have all the fun? I'm going to wear a short skirt too." So, this is the end result...This is Brett and his tutu in school colors royal and white. He can be so silly! Go Lee Men!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Smile Though Your Heart is Aching

**Image from allaboutjazz**

The news media has pretty much been crawling all over the death of Michael Jackson, and I am sure many are tired of all this coverage. I have limited my viewing of all this coverage, as much of it is mere speculation. Today though, I am choosing to watch the tribute/farewell as closure for myself, because I grew up listening to and loving the music of Michael Jackson.

In more recent years, Michael's image had been greatly tarnished; I sincerely hope that everyone remembers his humanitarian efforts. In the words of Bernice King, Michael rose above his own needs to meet the needs of others. He was a humanitarian, he wanted to "heal the world, make it a better place, for you and for me."

Though I do not always agree with Al Sharpton, today he made a statement to Michael's children that is so true,"You're father was not strange, what he had to put up with was strange." In more ways than one, that statement holds many truths. I will leave it to individual readers to contemplate that statement.

Michael should leave us with inspiration to be the best possible, to do for our fellow man what we can, to give back to society, to thank those around us, and to always fight the good fight. When I continue to think of Michael, I hum his tune Man in the Mirror, and that gives me the inspiration to better myself so that I can continue to give back and fight the good fight.

Here is a link to a wonderful video of Michael singing Man in the Mirror

Thank you Michael; God Bless you and your family. Heaven is gong to have one heck of a choir now!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Men and Their Grills

From a woman's perspective, I find it funny how touchy men are when it comes to their grills, as in who gets to operate, cook, and manage the grill. If a woman attempts to take over the man's efforts, by any means, he is immediatley offended but will not always come right out and say so. Why is that, I wonder? I have been trying to think of something that I would find greatly offensive, if a man were to attempt to take that task away from me, and at this moment I cannot think of anything.

When I visited my brother several months ago, he asked his oldest daughter to watch over the grill, and I, being the good aunt, decided to help her. We had a lot of fun "watching over" things, because I had not even touched a grill, or flipped a piece of chicken or a hot dog on a grill, in over 10 years. We had so much fun that we did not want to relinquish the duty of grill master, on my brother's return. Of course, he was offended, I believe, and I had to actually go inside and ask him to come out and take over as grill master. Odd, I thought, but also oddly funny.

Happy Independence Day!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Zoey the Destroyer

Who knew Boston Terriers like to dig? I learned that last summer; as I planted flowers, Zoey the Destroyer would dig/destroy them and my efforts. In this photo, Zoey is seen taking a break from her hard work, where she systematically worked her way down this flower bed, leaving little behind. In the end, last year, I let her win. This year, I have changed the fencing around this flower bed, to thwart her efforts, and I keep a closer eye on her when she is outdoors; so far I am winning. Oh, and that animal repellent that is supposed to keep dogs, cats, rabbits, etc. away from your flowers is not Zoey proof. I observed her eating it last year, prior to digging!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

And the Award Goes To....

Let's face it, not every man is the 'Mr. Fix-It" type. My husband happens to be one who is not of that type; he even jokes about his handyman 'abilities.' When things around the house break, malfunction, or are just not quite right, I try to hide them from him. Eventually, though, he finds these things that are broken, and I shudder when he states, "Don't worry, I'll fix it." As an example of his handyman abilities, there was once a run-on toilet, in our 70s-colored pea soup green bathroom, that he announced he would fix. When he was finished, the toilet no longer flushed, so in theory, no water was running; hmmm...that is not my idea of fixed.

On another occasion, this same toilet began leaking at the base because of a faulty seal. After reading many on-line 'how-to's' and the instructions for the new seal, it took my husband two attempts, two assistants, and a mutt to verify that there were no further leaks around the toilet. I therefore deem that the award for Redneck Plumbing goes to Harley and Co.