Friday, December 11, 2009


glee: open delight or pleasure; exultant joy.

Who does not want to experience glee on a daily basis? Perhaps Hannibal Lecter or Grouchy Smurf would not like to, but I certainly would. I find delight in many small things, such as a chocolate bar, my excited dogs when I enter the house, and most recently, the new fallen snow softly gathered on trees and buildings with Christmas lights popping through here and there. That was so beautiful, and it was then that I felt exultant joy or glee.

I have never been a habitual TV viewer. Sure, there are some programs that I try to watch weekly, but there are none that I am loyal to or none that I absolutely must watch. It has taken me a while to find a TV show that I yearn to watch; one that I just want more of. Over the past few weeks, I have been watching gLee, and when the show is finished, I just want more. It is like watching your favorite musical and when it is over, you need to hear it again, sing, hum, anything to carry on that joyous feeling that harmony and song instills in you.

I try not to sing out loud when others are around, including the dogs, because, simply put, I do not have a silky soulful voice. When I am alone, I will pull up You Tube or pop in a dvd of one of my favorite musicals, and start belting out the tunes. The dogs hate me then; out of kindness, I let them run to the shelter of the outdoors. What a joyous feeling it is though, to sing and listen to songs that actually fill your soul with happiness and harmony. I believe that is where exultant joy comes from.