I am still trying to piece together the emotional events of my weekend spent caring for a critically ill patient. Over the years, I have heard the phrase "Life is fragile" uttered repeatedly. I have often wondered why life is so fragile? Life should be resilient and long lasting; after all, we were made in the image of God, if you believe the Holy Bible. God is not fragile, but I find that faith is. My faith has wavered several times over the years--I do not understand why God chooses to allow some people to suffer greatly, while others do not. How does that get measured out, doled out, how is it evened out? Somethings, I realize, I may never understand.
What I have noticed over the years is that God sends us unkind reminders on the frailty of life by taking it away. That leads me to another phrase that I have heard uttered many times, "Life is not fair." That one I understand.