Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Liam makes his debut

After a few false alarms, our second grandchild, Liam, made his entry into this world 9/15/09 at 11:30 p.m. Most C-section babies are just beautiful--they have no misshapen heads. Little Liam was delivered vaginally, and thus has a slight cone head. My husband's first thought on seeing him, "Mr Smithers." Liam really is a beautiful baby, but I chuckle at the Mr. Smithers resemblance. In my search for a funny hat that Liam could wear for pictures, I wound up finding only a pirate's hat. When I took the hat out of it's package, I thought, "Hmm. Looks like something Aunt Jemima wears. So here is Liam, aka Smithers, in his Jemima headgear :)

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